Twenty Twenty Protests
The only political conflict that I’ve ever photographed was the George Floyd protests during the turbulent summer of 2020. Like most other people, I was jobless, reeling from the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, and then mortified by the murder of George Floyd. In May, 2020, the culmination of those feelings came to a peak when people started rioting in Philadelphia and across the nation. Over the course of June, I regularly biked into Center City to witness the unrest. On one of the first days of documenting this conflict, I saw a group of people rising up to tear down the Frank Rizzo statue in Philadelphia. I learned about the former mayor and police commissioner in Let the Fire Burn (2013), a documentary about the 1985 standoff between the black liberation group, MOVE, and the Philadelphia Police Department.
I shared the image, The Defacing of the Frank Rizzo Statue, Philadelphia (2020), and it spread quickly. Meg Onli, the curator for the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia, called me and said that the image inspired her to start the Art for Philadelphia Bail Fund. She asked if a print of the image could be included along with works from other artists to help raise money in response to the uprisings. Prints in editions of 20 were sold until July 4 in an effort to support the protesters.
List of Works
1. The Defacing of the Frank Rizzo Statue, Philadelphia, 2020
2. Face-off, Philadelphia, 2020
3. George Floyd Protest, Philadelphia, 2020
4. Masked socialist, Philadelphia, 2020
5. Soldier and girl with a rose,
Philadelphia, 2020
6. Screaming, Philadelphia, 2020
7. Passing burnt car, Philadelphia, 2020
8. Protesters on Market St., Philadelphia, 2020
9. Protesters on JFK Blvd., Philadelphia, 2020
10. Stop being racist, Philadelphia, 2020
11. Bangladesh Trump Supporter with flag, Philadelphia, 2020
12. Pride flag, Philadelphia, 2020
Inquire for prints: m@marcusmaddox.co